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North Avenue Review's x-clusive online content
"Dear university students around the world, fasten your seatbelts for an extraordinary journey into a black hole that will swiftly swallow your dreams after prematurely aging them."
Freedom is the big black cloud
Rolling over your town.
Can you feel the drizzle? ...
All countries, nations and tribes have religion. They have always had a way to convey the abstract topics of life, the longings, the joys, the celebrations, the feasts, the mournings. The abstract layer of life, the things not seen that are also important.
Double Issue 96/97 has arrived!
Ever wondered what Marilyn Monroe looks like on a skateboard? Interested in the exploitation of young girls in male authors work? Or read the undisputable ranking of the top 10 whodunits deceided by the experts of the NAR staff? Well look no further! Pick up the issues on campus or read the issues online below!
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